The Blog of an ordinary wife living a rather ordinary life...

The Blog of an ordinary wife living a rather ordinary life...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blog #2- July 31st

We just finished up an awesome but very busy week. The week started with my writing workshop that I was kind of dreading, but it turned out to be really awesome! I couldn't have asked for better people to work with and we were able to really plan our year out! I feel that I'm already ahead and can't wait to get everything ready for the year.

We took a few lazy days toward the end of the week that were much needed! My sister, Marie, spent the night on Saturday night and we had a lot of fun. I took her to Publix with me to do our grocery shopping that afternoon and in the car she had this CRAZY idea to ride in the cart at Publix. So, went in the store and on the fruit and juice aisle, Marie decided to jump into the cart! Well, this was not a fast trip, so I just threw the food in on top of her and when we got to the register, we had to unload the cart and then unload her. She was trapped by all the food! She had a lot of fun and we did get some pretty funny stares and comments. The best one was from this confused little girl sitting in her mom's cart. She was probably around 4. She looked up at her mom and whispered that Marie was too big. We laughed.

Just like this past week, this week is going to be extremely busy. I start decorating my classroom tomorrow morning. That always takes forever and a lot of planning. On Tuesday, Jude has an appointment to have another CT scan of his brain and skull. They will be looking for how much CSF fluid he has between his brain and skull and how his skull is fused together. We won't get the results right away (September 7th,) but we are praying for a normal amount of CSF fluid in his head. Please keep us in your thoughts as he has that done on Tuesday. The rest of this week will be filled with more classroom decorating and clothes shopping (MY FAVORITE). I hope to get some free time to take Jude to do some fun stuff too! Maybe even Amaya Papaya one last time before summer is over. He would love that!

Thanks for stopping by and reading my rambling. I hope you have an awesome week!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Blog #1- July 24th

I don't know who is going to be reading this blog or following it, but I'm really excited to be writing it! I plan to write a blog entry every Sunday covering whatever is going on in our lives at that time. Here goes the first one:

Sweet summer time is almost over. I'll definitely miss sleeping in, our lack of plans, and spending all day with my family. I go back to school tomorrrow (for just a week) for a writing workshop. You know, for the last couple of days, I've kind of worked myself up for it. I really am excited to see the people I work with and haven't seen for over a month, but I'm not so excited about the workshop itself. I'd rather be at home doing what I do best. Oh well, I know once I get there that all will be fine. It's just hard to get up and go! After this workshop is over, next week will be my last week off with the fam. Summer really is coming to an end, so I do plan to make the most of my last week!

This past week or so has been great. We were very productive. I was able to get my house COMPLETELY clean! It's always nice to start back to work with a nice clean house. All three of our bedrooms were redecorated, the living room was changed around with new pictures hung, and our kitchen was cleaned. Boy does it feel nice to actually be living in a place that you're proud of now. It really does look good. The only thing we have left to do is the garage and I want to get that finished.

We took a break today from all the cleaning and took Jude to the park with his friend Tayla. He had such a good time. We went to Lake Idamere Park which is a beautiful place. Jude played on everything, but was more entertained by the "doggie" park than by the playground equipment. There weren't even any "doggies" there, but the pictures were enough to get him going. After the park, David took us to some fine dining at Dairy Queen. Overall, it was a great day.

Thanks for reading... :) I hope you come back next week!